Kings College Cambridge
The River Thames
London Skyline
Nautilus shape: The Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden ratio
The Golden ratio is known as ϕ = ½(1+ √5) appears to be embedded in nature!
London Skyline
The Lorenz Attractor
A simple demonstration of chaos with 3 equations.
The Natural History Museum
Charles Darwin monument
The Natural History Museum London
The Royal Albert Hall
Imperial College graduation ceremonies are held here

Hello and welcome

Hi my name is Gursh and I am a mathematics and computing tutor with 24 years tutoring experience.  I also work for OCR (Oxford and Cambridge and RSA examinations) as a monitor of remarked mathematics and ICT examination scripts.   Here you will find information about my qualifications, interests and some media items related to mathematics and computing as well as some small code scripts that I have written in a variety of programming languages.

If you're a student or parent visiting this site for tuition purposes you may want to head directly to the students or contact me section. Otherwise please feel free to roam around this website and perhaps you might discover something new and thought provoking!

Wishing you the very best.


In June 2021 I uploaded a cubic formula solution on ResearchGate for a triangle counting problem that I once investigated when I was a high school student studying for GCSES. This symmetric solution complements the asymmetric solution uploaded here.

My PhD thesis is now available for free public access on Imperial College's Spiral repository, click here to view it.